Alert Level 2 - Viranda Holdings LTD

We are pleased to see the transition to Alert Level 2 later this week. Commercial property owners will be welcoming this news as tenants return to work and a new normal. There will be busy days ahead as buildings are being prepared to meet the government’s outlined objectives. 


Our team are looking forward to returning to the Byron Ave offices and have been working on a plan to allow this to happen in a healthy and safe manner. To follow best-practice procedures we will focus on social distancing, hygiene and furniture layout, along with strategies to ensure there is no disruption to our services.


The battle with the virus has been won but the war is far from over… words ushered yesterday by the PM and very true when it comes to economic recovery. This is our chance to reiterate that we are here for our clients every step of the way. We have assisted throughout the Alert Levels and will continue to do so with phone calls, attending video conferencing, and very soon – reconnecting face-to-face.  


From us all at Viranda, stay well and keep up the fight!