We have the best job! Look at this bluebird day at Long Bay Village, not a cloud in the sky and plenty of people checking out the precinct. Long Bay Village is a unique coastal destination on the North Shore that is under new ownership. Our long-standing client has...
Same face, new role! We’re excited to confirm that Meagan has accepted a role within our Asset Management team. As our trustworthy Facilities & Property Coordinator for the past 2 years, she has worked across many facets of the business and is well-prepared for...
Commercial property market insights are certainly less predictable at the moment, with the higher cost of debt and even recessionary talk. So it was a good opportunity to get together with our peers and hear the latest outtakes. Thank you Property Council New Zealand...
In a nutshell, it’s crucial! It simply comes down to dollars and sense. When a Commercial Property is maintained it will prove more profitable in the long run. But also, its well-known that tenants stay longer if their working environment is smart. What should...
Property, people and precision – Courtney represents all of this and more. We are delighted she has joined the team. Her steely attention to detail and passion for property is so very welcome at Viranda. Welcome Courtney, you have hit the ground running with a mixed...
You asked – we listened! In this week’s frequently asked question we look at the full lifecycle of commercial property starting with the acquisition and why you should involve Viranda.