News - Viranda Holdings LTD


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In response to the latest COVID-19 alert level 3 lockdown, our team have kicked their well-oiled plan into gear and are now working remotely until further direction from government.

Trustworthy Changes?

More transparency is perhaps the most compelling change in the new Trusts Act 2019.

Peter’s Journey – An Update

Last time we checked in with Peter it was August 2018, he was a fairly new addition to the Viranda team and even the job title was different.

Welcome Back!

The sand has been brushed off our feet, the last of the ham has been eaten and the computers are fired up again.

What a year – Merry Christmas!

Bringing a little Christmas cheer to your inbox – enjoy! As we nudge closer to the holiday season, it seemed right to throw on an ugly sweater and reflect on a crazy year.

Beyond reasonable debt?

Kiwis owe more than ever, but can debt help an economy recover? It got us thinking about our attitude to debt.