News - Viranda Holdings LTD


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Quick-fire Update: RETAIL

Def. Retail covers a wide range of properties from a strip of shops to a major shopping centre.

Merry Christmas!

What a year for our business community. The commitment to work through covid-related challenges has been humbling and we hope for a calmer 2022 for everyone.

Quick-fire Update: INDUSTRIAL

Def. Industrial includes warehouses, factories, depots and business parks.

Covid Vaccination Update

Like all NZ businesses, to keep people safe and healthy in the workplace, we’ve had to make a few calls around COVID-19 vaccinations.

Put your money where your mouth is.

Since 2011, Oli Wills, has been instrumental in purchasing properties for investors, ranging in values from $500,000 to upwards of $14,000,000.


I hope you are keeping safe and well as we continue to fight the latest covid outbreak.